• Question: who will win in a fight GODZILLA OR KING KONG

    Asked by to Aimee, Chris, Dave, Greig, Laurence on 19 Jun 2014. This question was also asked by .
    • Photo: Dave Jones

      Dave Jones answered on 19 Jun 2014:

      Definitely going with Godzilla on this one. He is huge! King Kong is pretty impressive and would be a good match for most poeple/things in a fight, but Godzilla is just too big!

    • Photo: Laurence Perreault Levasseur

      Laurence Perreault Levasseur answered on 19 Jun 2014:

      Tricky question!!
      I was going to say Godzilla too, but then I remembered reading somewhere that creature this big just wouldn’t be able to support their own weight outside water, their skeleton would just completely collapse! That’s because if you, say, double the volume of a lizard, it’s mass gets increased by a factor of 8 instead of a factor of 2. So even if Godzilla’s skeleton was made out of Titanium, he’d completely collapse as soon as he gets out of water…!

      Something similar would happen to a battleship is you were to take it out of water and make it stand on its stern, it would just completely break down!

      For King Kong, he’d not be as bad off. We can estimate that he would weight about 50 to 60 tons. If he really looked like in the film (i mean, like a regular gorilla with legs not made significantly more robust), there might be a chance that he’d be able to stand, in the best of scenarios, slowly shuffle.

      So, I’d go with King Kong!

    • Photo: Greig Cowan

      Greig Cowan answered on 19 Jun 2014:

      Has to be Godzilla. No contest.

    • Photo: Aimee Hopper

      Aimee Hopper answered on 19 Jun 2014:

      I think King Kong, coz he’s a Great Ape and thus can think above just basic animal instinct. Godzilla would have the bite, but King Kong has the brawn and the brain!!!
